To help prepare your preschooler for kindergarten, there are several fun ways to build their literacy skills. When reading together, ask them questions about the story, have them ask you questions, let them tell the story, and take turns reading. Also, create books together, give them lots of reading and writing materials to use, and make books a part of your daily routine. Click for our top reading tips for preschoolers.
Letters are a valuable skill for reading! Select a letter of the day until you have covered the entire alphabet. For example, one day could be “a” themed, where you and your child do activities and eat food that start with the letter “a.” It will be “awesome!” Read more about this activity.
Kindness matters! Make sure to teach your child about compassion and looking at other’s emotions. Kindness can include calling a loved one, sending a note, or giving a compliment.
Experimenting is a great way to learn about the world around them! Gather several objects of varying weights from around your home, and drop two at the same time and repeat. Did one object drop faster than the other? Have your child explain what they saw, divide the objects into a “faster” and “slower” pile, and draw a picture about what they observed. Read more.