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Potty training

“No more diapers!” Sounds great, but how do you get ready for toilet learning?  And are YOU ready?

Helping your child learn to use the toilet takes time and patience. Have a potty chair, a child-sized seat that fits the toilet, and a sturdy stepstool on hand. Training can take three months or more. Children with disabilities or developmental delays may need extra time and practice.

Let’s talk Potty training!

It can be challenging to know when to start and how to go about potty training. Especially when other moms are telling us that their children are potty trained. The most important things to keep in mind are:

  1. Every child develops uniquely in all milestone areas. The same goes for potty training.
  2. To potty train, it is not enough for your child to know that they “should” use the toilet, but the child’s body and brain must be mature enough to send the signals to the brain that they need to potty, make it to the bathroom in time, undress quickly, and also sit independently to go. 
  3. Potty training usually does not happen quickly. 
  4. It is ok to wait until 3! There is no magic age for training. 
  5. Listen to your child for cues. When a child reports that they have gone in their diaper, shows excitement to try out the toilet, and is also able to stay dry for several hours, then it is a good time to try. 
  6. There are no tears in potty training. If there are tears, take a break. Try again in a month or when your child asks to use the potty. 

Here are some helpful links to help along your training journey. Whichever journey or tips you choose, remember to give yourself some grace.